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Restaurant and Shop, Design University of Applied Science Stuttgart 2016

The site ‘Bismarckhaus’ was built in 1892 and is situated on a square in the western district of Stuttgart. Here living aspects as culture, work and art meet. The district is a popular place of residence for students, families and elderly people. The bistro “Vesbar” should serve as a meeting point for young and old. Spreads and pickled meals in cans can be bought and eaten as the traditionell german ‘vesper’. Bread serves as the basis.
The yellow steel grid as the design concept refers to the meals that are offered in the restaurant. When we think of canning jars we also think of root cellars, canning shelves and storage. From that idea the concept of the grid was developed. The grid creates different zones and serves as furniture for presentaion, retail, storage and seating. The yellow colour of the grid creates a fresh and modern atmosphere despite the traditional catering concept.

Vesbar: Welcome
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